Posted on Sep 9, 2011 2:46pm
Many of the groups that worked on the May 12 mobilizations took a little break from common actions during the summer and are now energized and getting back together to plan some new exciting and fun actions. Community groups, unions and students are back on board for working together, and we hope you and your compañeros y compañeras can join us in this new phase!
We’d like to meet up on Thursday September 15th at 4:30pm at the United Federation of Teachers, 52 Broadway in Manhattan. The goal of the meeting is to plan a week of actions on fair-share taxes, ending special treatment for banks and billionaires, creating jobs and restoring cuts to schools, higher ed and services sometime in October, most likely the second week from the 10th to 15th, (details will be discussed during the meeting).
Please join us to talk about the actions and campaigns that you're working on and how we can support each other’s work. The action planning committee will be presenting ideas for actions that will include actions to:
• Highlight the destructive impact of state and city budget cuts
• Call out the special treatment banks and billionaires have gotten while the rest of us get cuts and layoffs
• Call for a stop to the $5 billion tax cut for the richest New Yorkers, due to take effect December 31
• Call for a stop to subsidies, interest rate swaps and other special deals that transfer hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpaying families to banks and Wall Street
• Call for action from the State Legislature and Governor Cuomo to stop the tax cut for millionaires and invest in job creation, schools and services instead.
We hope you can come to the meeting and look forward to meeting and working together again.
Please contact for more information; you will receive a follow up email with exact room location details! See you on September 15th!