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16 Council Members Pledge to Support a People's Budget

The Mayor's Budget makes cuts that will hurt nearly every New Yorker, except the Big Banks and Millionaires that caused the financial crisis. Before working families are asked to tighten our belts and accept these deep cuts to the social safety net, the big banks and millionaires who caused the crisis need to be held accountable. The Beyond May 12 Coalition came up with four alternative revenue streams that could generate $1 billion for the city. (If you haven't checked out our plan yet, click here to download the PDF.)

And we've been spreading the news about the alternatives to the cuts far and wide. So far 16 City Council Members have pledged to ONLY support a budget that included these revenue measures before making cuts to programs that the most vulnerable New Yorkers rely on.

Thanks for the support:


Brad Lander
Tish James
Charles Barron
Steve Levin
Jumaane Williams


Julissa Ferreras
Daniel Dromm
Jimmy Van Bramer
James Sanders Jr


Anabel Palma
Carmen Arroyo
Helen Foster


Margret Chin
Melissa Mark Viverito
Robert Jackson

Staten Island

Debi Rose

For to the minute updates on more Council Member pledges check out our Facebook page.